Monday, March 1, 2010

Why is the news media so interested in compromise?

Ever notice that every time a pollster prints anything about "bickering" in Washington, the media, which is usually too busy pushing the leftist agenda to notice anything right of Al Gore, suddenly is swooning over the need for "compromise" and "bipartisanship". There is a good reason. If you start with a democracy and then begin compromising you are moving away from a democracy. Every compromise is a step toward authoritarianism. It is not possible to move toward socialism without moving away from capitalism. So when Obamacare, for instant, could not be installed by fiat, suddenly the is now need for bipartisanship. When the administration thought they had a filibuster proof majority, neither they nor their life partners in the media saw a need for compromise or bipartisanship. Remember they pontificated, "Elections have consequences". So, now we have had several interim elections that have ended the filibuster proof majority and sent waves of horror and foreboding through the Democrat Congressional Caucasus. Now, suddenly, with the socialist agenda in trouble, the consequences from these elections has become the need to stop the bickering in Washington, end the partisanship. Partisanship being anything this administration does not approve. This administration has even condescended to reach out across the isle to tell the lowly Republicans what they are doing wrong. The administration has signaled that they will now accept surrender, to end the bickering; but, only if it is on the administration's terms. Of course, all of this in the spirit of "bipartisanship". God save this Republic.

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